
A vertical list of menu items. This component is usually used inside a popover container to provide additional actions.

Published Last updated: 3.4.0 Change log Github NPM
Twig Usage
  {% include '@bolt-components-menu/menu.twig' with {
  items: [
      content: 'Menu Item 1',
      content: 'Menu Item 2',
      attributes: {
        target: '_blank',
} only %}
Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.
Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

A Drupal attributes object. Applies extra HTML attributes to the outer <bolt-menu> tag.


Generates an array of items, each item is a <bolt-trigger>. While the content prop for each item can accept anything custom content, plain text is the recommended format.

  • [items]:
    • Type:object

      A Drupal attributes object. Applies extra HTML attributes to the outer <bolt-menu> tag.

    • Properties:
      • attributes

        A Drupal-style attributes object with extra attributes to append to this component.

        • Type: object
      • content

        Main content of the trigger (Twig only).

        • Type: string, array, object
      • url

        Optional. Contains a URL that the chip points to. When URL is present, tag changes to a, otherwise tag would be span.

        • Type: string
      • target

        A valid HTML target attribute to modify the behavior when clicking this element. Only valid when "url" is also present.

        • Type: string
        • Enum: _blank , _self , _parent , _top , framename
      • type

        Determines the button tag type for semantic buttons

        • Type: string
        • Enum: button , submit , reset
      • cursor

        Type of cursor shown on hover.

        • Type: string
        • Enum: auto , pointer , zoom-in , zoom-out
      • on_click

        When used with onClickTarget, an event to fire on the targeted elements when this element is clicked. When used without onClickTarget, arbitrary javascript to execute when this element is clicked.

        • Type: string
      • on_click_target

        Requires onClick. A CSS selector for elements that the onClick event will fire on when this element is clicked.

        • Type: string
      • disabled

        Make trigger unusable and un-clickable. Only applies to button.

        • Type: boolean
      • icon_before

        Append an icon before the text. Icon component is recommended.

        • Type: object
      • icon_after

        Append an icon after the text. Icon component is recommended.

        • Type: object

Custom content for menu items.

string , array , object

Controls the inset spacing of each menu item.


Controls the inset spacing of each menu item.

string small
  • xsmall , small , medium
Install Install
  npm install @bolt/components-menu
Dependencies @bolt/components-trigger @bolt/core-v3.x @bolt/lazy-queue wc-context