Use Case: Article List Article List is a way to display teasers for a list of articles. Important Notes: An article list is composed of the Listing Teaser component and the List component with solid separators. Keep in mind the signifier and headline vertically center align with each other. When using image as the signifier, it is recommended to use 32px in tandem with large headline, and 38px in tandem with xlarge headline. Demo
// Set up a particular article {% set demo_thumbnail %} <img src="/image.jpg" alt="" width=32 height=32> {% endset %} {% set demo_share_menu %} {% include '@bolt-components-share/share.twig' with { display: 'menu', size: 'small', text: 'Share this article', sources: [ { name: 'facebook', url: '' }, { name: 'twitter', url: '!' }, { name: 'linkedin', url: '' }, { name: 'email', url: 'mailto:?&body=Sample%20Text%20--%20https%3A//' } ], copy_to_clipboard: { text_to_copy: '' }, } only %} {% endset %} {% set demo_article %} {% include '@bolt-components-listing-teaser/listing-teaser.twig' with { signifier: demo_thumbnail, headline: { text: 'This is an article', tag: 'h3', size: 'large', link_attributes: { href: '' }, }, meta_items: [ 'Category', 'Duration', 'Posted by Name', ], share_menu: demo_share_menu, } only %} {% endset %} // Render a list to display articles {% include '@bolt-components-list/list.twig' with { spacing: 'small', inset: true, separator: 'solid', items: [ demo_article, ] } only %}
Not available in plain HTML. Please use Twig.